The Florida IT Career Alliance works to make a difference in the community. The Alliance spans from Jacksonville to Pensacola, and everywhere in between. Interested in writing a story on the Alliance? Contact
April 2016

Meet Bria Bouie

Thursday April 28, 2016
FAMU IT student Bria Bouie has been a Student Ambassador since last September. Since then, she has participated in STEM Day, presented at the National Urban League Conference, taught C++ programming at James S. Rickards High School and participated in the Pensacola Press Conference. ...

Meet Trenique Barker

Thursday April 21, 2016
Trenique Barker aspires to make a difference in the world. He is determined, smart, and has a work ethic that will drive him to greatness. The Florida IT Career Alliance is grateful to have such a passionate individual represent the team as a Student Ambassador. Trenique is graduating this semester from Florida A&M University with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Science. ...

Meet Gentry Redmond

Thursday April 14, 2016
Since becoming a Student Ambassador for the Florida IT Career Alliance (FITC) last September, Gentry Redmond has been an invaluable resource to younger students interested in STEM. The FAMU IT major is passionate about technology and has cherished the opportunity to introduce students to various opportunities in the STEM field. ...
March 2016

Meet Gabriella Fraenk

Thursday March 24, 2016
Gabriella Fraenk is a woman who genuinely loves technology. She is never one to stand down when a challenge arises. Gabriella is constantly trying to better herself. In just a few short weeks, Gabriella will graduate with a degree from Florida State University in Information, Communication, and Technology. ...

Meet Brooke Quinn

Thursday March 3, 2016
Brooke Quinn is an energetic, smart, and driven student. She knows where she wants to be and is unafraid to do the work it takes to get there. Brooke is graduating from Florida State University in just a few short weeks with a degree in Advertising and a minor in Japanese. ...
February 2016

Tally Job Hop Connects Students with Employers

Monday February 29, 2016
On Janurary 21, a group of local students were swept away by two vans to tour tech-related companies located in Tallahassee, Florida. A group of local companies, along with the Florida IT Career Alliance, the Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce, Domi Station, and the FSU College of Communication and Information, worked together to expose tech students to career opportunities in the Tallahassee area. ...

Meet Andrew Stone

Thursday February 25, 2016
Andrew Stone is an ambitious student with a great deal of potential. He has experience leading his peers and communicating complex topics to others with ease. Andrew loves studying technology and wants to share his passion with younger students. Andrew is graduating this semester from Florida State University with a degree in Information Technology and a minor in Business Analytics. ...

Meet Zach Broe

Thursday February 18, 2016
Student Ambassador Zach Broe is passionate about sharing his love for technology with the younger generation. His ability to work well with his peers and superb communication skills make him a great teacher. Zach is graduating in just a few short months from Florida State University. He will receive a degree in Information Technology with a focus in networking and security. ...

Electrical engineering receives grant for summer outreach camps promoting STEM to high-school students
Spring 2016
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering has been selected as one of the recipients of the UNITE grant program sponsored by Department of Defense Army Education Outreach Program (AEOP). As a recipient, the department will receive funding to host several summer outreach engineering camps (beginning summer 2016) for local and regional high-school students who are interested in STEM. ...

Pace High School Tours FSU with FITC

Monday February 8, 2016
On January 11, students from Pace High School visited Tallahassee for a tour of the Florida State University Campus. Conducted by the Florida IT Career Alliance (FITC), the tour gave students the opportunity to learn about the innovative technological opportunities available at FSU. ...

Meet Mark Sterrenberg

Thursday February 4, 2016
Mark Sterrenberg is a knowledgeable and personable Student Ambassador. His remarkable communication skills and strong work ethic make him an excellent leader. Mark graduates this April from Florida State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing and Information Technology. ...

CCI Hosts Spring 2016 Career Fair
Wednesday, February 3, 2015
CCI News
The College of Communication & Information hosted its bi-annual career fair this past February 2. Dozens of local and national companies attended in search of talented interns and employees in the fields of communication, public relations, advertising, social media, digital media production, information technology, information security, web development and more. ...
January 2016

Tallahassee Seeks Young Professionals
Friday January 22, 2016
Access partnered with Florida State University to create Tally Job Hop, taking students to visit tech companies in the area. The tour featured the new startup hub, Domi Station. Local leaders say the startup incubator is working to keep entrepreneurs in the area. ...

Job Hop Shuttles Students to High Tech Employers
Friday January 22, 2016
Remember going to job fairs in college? Employers in a crowded room with students hopping from stand to stand. 25 college students today turned the tables and hopped from job to job. It's called the Tally Job Hop. Students loaded up in a van and visited three big tech companies. ...

Meet Martin Sung

Thursday January 14, 2016
Martin Sung is a model student. He is involved. He is smart. He is professional. The Florida IT Career Alliance has been fortunate enough to have him on as a part of the team for the past year. ...

Meet Saiprasad Setty

Thursday January 7, 2016
With his various skills involving data analytics, Saiprasad Setty worked with the FITC team as a Data Analyst and Student Ambassador. He was a valued employee because of his well-developed skills in research and analytics ...
December 2015

Meet Jacob McDougal

Thursday December 17, 2015
Student Ambassador Jacob McDougal is the type of guy that will go out of his way to help others. He is patient, kind, and has a strong work ethic. The Florida IT Career Alliance team has been delighted to call him one of our own for the past semester. ...

Meet Hyun "Ronnie" Myers

Thursday December 10, 2015
Florida IT Career Alliance Student Ambassador Hyun "Ronnie" Myers is a perfect example of a leader. Ronnie is an intelligent and dedicated student. He is graduating tomorrow from Florida State University with a dual degree in Information Technology and Psychology. ...

Meet Michael Kimball

Thursday December 3, 2015
FITC Student Ambassador Michael Kimball is an ambitious addition to our team. He is a hardworking student and a determined individual stopping at nothing to achieve his goals. Michael graduates in a number of days with a bachelor’s degree in information technology from Florida State University. ...
November 2015

Meet Lucas von Hollen

Friday, November 20, 2015
If you had to compile a list of incredible technology educators, Lucas von Hollen would be at the top. He embodies the desired characteristics of a teacher because he is knowledgeable, he cares about the students, and he is entertaining in a way that you can only understand if you’ve met him. ...

Meet Ania Augustin

Thursday, November 12, 2015
Ania Augusin is a hard-working student is prepared to enter the workforce with a bang. Ania graduates from Florida State University in just a few short weeks with a bachelor’s degree in information technology. ...

Meet Alexandra Hidalgo

Thursday, November 5, 2015
When it comes to educating others about technology, Alexandra Hidalgo doesn’t hold back. She is a smart, committed student at Florida State University preparing for graduation in December 2015. Alex is studying Information Technology and already has a position lined up with State Farm after she graduates. ...
October 2015

Pensacola Business Radio Live Broadcast from the iTEN Wired 2015 Summit
Friday, October 23, 2015
Business Radio X
Project Director, Ebe Randeree, conducted an interview after presenting about FITC at the ITEN Wired Conference in Pensacola Beach, Florida. The 2015 ITEN Wired Summit was October 22 and 23 at the Hilton Pensacola Beach Gulf Front. ITEN Wired is hosted by IT Gulf Coast and Florida West Economic Development Alliance. The two-day conference provides networking and learning opportunities for executives, entrepreneurs, technology professionals, and academia to foster local economic development efforts surrounding innovation, technology and entrepreneurship. ...

Meet Victoria Guevara

Thursday, October 22, 2015
Victoria Guevara is a great example of a student taking advantages of the opportunities available through studying a STEM major. Victoria is a senior majoring in Information Technology at Florida State University with a minor in Business. ...

Meet Mauricio Gomez

Thursday, October 22, 2015
Mauricio Gomez stands out as a very busy student who refuses to slow down until he graduates. Mauricio is a senior studying Information Technology at Florida State University. ...

FSU Students Engage Next Generation in Computer Science
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Tallahassee Democrat
Jobs in computing and technology seem to be multiplying by the minute — and Florida State University students are doing their part to ensure the next generation will be ready to take advantage of those career opportunities. Through a new partnership between the Florida IT Career Alliance, Leon County Schools and the City of Tallahassee, FSU student ambassadors will be teaching computer coding skills students from Cobb Middle School and Nims Middle School. ...

FITC Alliance Partners with Leon County Schools
Thursday, October 15, 2014
Florida State 24/7
As part of the the FITC Alliance partnership FSU and FAMU students in IT, Computer Engineering, Business and Computer Science are providing 5-week IT courses to middle school students at NIMS and Cobb Middle Schools.

FSU Students Engage Next Generation in Computer Science
Thursday, October 15, 2014
Florida State 24/7
Jobs in computing and technology seem to be multiplying by the minute — and Florida State University students are doing their part to ensure the next generation will be ready to take advantage of those career opportunities.
Through a new partnership between the Florida IT Career Alliance, Leon County Schools and the City of Tallahassee, FSU student ambassadors will be teaching computer coding skills students from Cobb Middle School and Nims Middle School.

Gillum, Pons Launch Google Program in Local Schools
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Tallahassee Democrat
To introduce local students to coding and computer programming, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum and Leon County Schools Superintendent Jackie Pons helped launch the Google CS First program at Cobb Middle School on Monday. The partnership with Google and the Florida IT Career Alliance will expose students to computer-science curriculum like basic coding, fashion and web design and video-game production. ...

Leon Schools Launches Coding Program for Local Middle Schools
Monday, October 12, 2015
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - Monday, Leon County Schools, along with the Florida Information Technology Career Alliance, launched a pilot computer science program at Cobb and Nims Middle School.The initiative will allow students access to 10 modules of computer science curriculum, including basic coding, fashion, web design, and video game production. ...

Meet Paul Anderson

Friday, October 9, 2015
Paul Anderson is a creative, eager student who enjoys spending his time spreading his love for technology with others. With these characteristics, the Florida IT Career Alliance is lucky to have him as one of our star Student Ambassadors! Paul is a senior planning to graduate from Florida A&M University in December 2015.
September 2015

Meet Courtney Lisenbee

Friday, September 25, 2015
There is no question about it. Professional jugglers have nothing on the Florida IT Career Alliance’s Student Ambassador Courtney Lisenbee. Courtney graduates this December with a degree from Florida State University in Media/ Communications Studies and minors in Information Technology and Business.

Meet Lauren Gerhardstein

Friday, September 11, 2015
With a wide array of interests and talents, soon-to-be graduate of Florida State University Lauren Gerhardstein makes an excellent addition to the Florida IT Career Alliance team. She is a determined, well-rounded student that enjoys being involved in the classroom, workforce, and across campus.

Congrats to Our Winner!

Friday, September 4, 2015
Ray Jenkins is the winner of this year's alumni survey prize! This summer the Florida IT Career Alliance conducted a survey of recent graduates from different programs at Florida State University to better understand what our alumni do after graduation. Recent alumni from Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Information Technology were contacted through a variety of methods drawing over 500 responses.
August 2015

FITC Invests in Girl Scouts

Friday, August 21, 2015
On June 15 and 17, the iMacs in classroom 2010 in the William Johnston building were at full capacity. Over 60 Girl Scouts of the Florida Panhandle were eagerly clicking their mice and typing at their keyboards while learning about game design and basic coding skills at the “STEM at FSU” Workshops. Multiple student organizations were involved in the workshop including the FITC Student Ambassadors, CCI students involved in IT Leadership, COG (Community Outreach Group). The organizations banded together to teach the girls about game design, coding, and HTML while using a variety of pedagogical tools ranging from GameMaker,, and code blocks.
July 2015

CCI Collaborates with Florida Indian Youth Program

Thursday, July 30, 2015
CCI News
The Florida Indian Youth Program is wrapping up a two week camp, put on in collaboration with the College of Communication and Information (CCI) at Florida State University... Students from Florida IT Career Alliance, the IT Leadership Course at FSU, Community Outreach Group (COG), and the STARS Alliance collaborated to make this camp a success. ...

Meet Adaobi Obi

Friday, July 10, 2015
Adaobi Obi is a senior at Florida A&M University studying Computer Science. She is an eloquent young woman who loves sharing her passion for teaching others about the opportunities available in technology fields. Adaobi is involved with multiple organizations across the FAMU campus. In the fall of 2014, she helped to reestablish the FAMU chapter of the Association of Computing Machinery after 8 years of being inactive. She is currently the Vice President of the ACM. In this position she works to promote technology across campus by constructing events for her peers that increase computer knowledge in a fun way. Adaobi is also a philanthropist...
June 2015

Meet Rachel Roberson

Friday, June 12, 2015
Rachel Roberson is a junior at Florida State University studying Chemical Engineering. As if the curriculum for engineering wasn't challenging enough, Rachel practices impressive time-management skills by being involved in a number of incredible organizations on campus. She joined the Florida IT Career Alliance this past spring and is now a highly-active member of the Student Ambassador team. In addition to FITC, Rachel is also a member of the STARS Alliance, Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Women in IT/ICT Sharing Experiences (WISE), Transfers Helping Transfers (THT), Alpha Delta Pi and Omicron Delta Kappa Collegiate Honor Society. ...

Meet Byron Fields

Wednesday June 3, 2015
Byron Fields is a recent graduate from Florida A&M University with a degree in Information Systems. In addition to his enthusiasm in the classroom and interest for outreach with the Florida IT Career Alliance, Byron has been involved in other activities that promote IT. While at FAMU he was an active member in multiple organizations including Students and Technology in Academia, Research, and Service (STARS) Alliance, Computer and Information Sciences Mentoring Organization (CISMO), Association for Computing Machinery, the Black Executive Exchange Program (BEEP), and most recently a student ambassador for the Florida IT Alliance. He also has experience being a Learning Assistant as a C++ tutor for Florida A&M University. Byron has a passion for reaching out to community youth and sharing his love for technology. ...
May 2015

FITC Features: The Children's Campaign

Thursday May 28, 2015
The Children's Campaign is a nonprofit 501 (c) 3 organization nestled in the heart of Tallahassee which advocates for public policies that promote the health, education, safety and well-being of Florida's children. To ensure this organization remains successful in its endeavors, The Children's Campaign created an innovative workforce development initiative known as The Apprenticeship Center, (TAC). This entity supports The Children's Campaign through web development, social media, database management, systems administration, public policy, legislative analysis, communications, public relations, marketing, human resources and accounting. Since its inception in 2007, TAC has provided apprenticeship opportunities to over 450 students through its live learning laboratory. Through this approach, students are able to better understand the value of service learning and engage in leadership and management development activities. ...
April 2015

Meet Cristian Zamarripa

Friday April 17, 2015
Cristian Zamarripa is a soon-to-be graduate of Florida State University studying Information, Communication and Technology. He believes it is just as important to learn outside of the classroom as it is inside, and shares his time as an Intern for BRIGHT RED/TBWA, a teaching assistant for FSU Principles of Advertising course, as well as a Strategist and Use Experience Researcher for the FSU Arrowhead Advertising Team. Even through all of these great endeavors, Cristian still felt the need to spend time doing outreach for the community. That's when he found the Florida IT Career Alliance. ...

Meet Krystal Salerno

Friday April 10, 2015
Krystal is a senior at Florida State University studying Information Technology with a focus in Information Security. In Fall 2014, Krystal joined Florida IT Career as a Student Ambassador and has been an active member ever since. She enjoys mentoring students and teaching them about the importance of Information Security. She initially decided to join the FITC team because she enjoyed the Hour of Code workshops run by FSU CCI and wanted to pursue similar outreach opportunities. ...

FITC Features: Uber Operations, LLC

Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Tallahassee-based IT consulting company, Uber Operations, specializes in Healthcare Data Integration. The systems that Uber Ops has created allow healthcare systems such as hospitals, private practices and public health agencies to communicate data quickly and securely while being cost effective. With a commitment to community involvement, Uber Ops partnered with the FITC Alliance to help and encourage the development of young talent. ...
March 2015

JMPHS students learn 3D printer software
Thursday, March 31, 2015
Greene Publishing, Inc.
James Madison Preparatory High School added an IT and Engineering program to the curriculum this year through the Florida IT Career Alliance to promote computer science, information technology and engineering programs within their school. Last semester, the students learned code and used coding to build and operate robots. So far this semester the students have learned to use Autodesk Inventor, a software used for creating 3D digital prototypes. Once the students complete the course they are able to take a class to be industry level certified in the program. Six students are already certified. ...

FITC Ambassadors promote FSU in 2015

Thursday, March 25, 2015
CCI News
The new year has proven a busy time for the FITC Ambassadors, who set out every week to engage high school students in the Florida panhandle about Information Technology, Computer Science and Computer Engineering. The FITC Ambassadors are a team of 26 college students studying at Florida State University. FAMU is a partner in the FITC initiative and their 20 student ambassadors perform similar activities. ...

Meet Joey Cardenas

Friday, March 20, 2015
Florida IT Career Alliance
Joey Cardenas is a sophomore at Florida State University studying Information Technology. When he's not in class, he's working at the FSU College of Communication Help Desk or volunteering at The Children's Campaign. When Joey learned about the Florida IT Career Alliance, he knew he had to join the team as a Student Ambassador. He's passionate about educating high school students on the importance of preparing for all aspects of college, including resume building, joining clubs, and options for affording college. ...

FAMU’s FITC Alliance Paving The Way for Future STEM Students
Thursday, March 19, 2015
This week the Florida Information Technology Career Alliance, Student Ambassadors of Florida A&M University, held events on Career Development for youth at the Palmer Munroe Teen Center. While Leon County students enjoyed their week off from school for spring break, productivity didn’t cease. Student Ambassadors of the FITC Alliance at FAMU hosted a week of events catered to youth on how they can prepare for college and future careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). ...

Meet Jeremy Bruner

Friday, March 13, 2015
Florida IT Career Alliance
Jeremy Bruner is a senior at Florida A&M University studying Computer Information Systems. Jeremy is an active member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) at FAMU. In Fall of 2014, Jeremy decided to take his outreach work to the next level, and joined FITC as a Student Ambassador. Jeremy chose to join the FITC Student Ambassadors team because he felt a need to give back to the community. ...

Meet Rachel Bryson

Friday, March 6, 2015
Florida IT Career Alliance
Rachel Bryson is a senior at Florida State University studying Information Technology. Rachel is active in several organizations at the FSU College of Communication and Information, including STARS, Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP), Women in IT and ICT Sharing Experiences (WISE), and Community Outreach Group (COG). Rachel also volunteers at the Collegiate Veterans Association (CVA) and works at the FSU CCI Help Desk as a technical analyst. Although already involved in several student organizations, Rachel wanted to expand her outreach potential by becoming an FITC Student Ambassador. ...
February 2015

Meet Milton Ramer

Thursday, February 12, 2015
Florida IT Career Alliance
Milton Ramer is a senior at Florida State University studying Information Technology. After working several years in the construction industry, he decided five years ago that he would make the switch into the booming technology industry and hasn’t looked back since. Milton is an active member of the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) and Students and Technology in Academia, Research, and Service (STARS) Alliance. ...

Campus Notes: Career Alliance holds event for high school students
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Tallahassee Democrat
Florida State University’s College of Communication and Information, in partnership with the Florida IT Career Alliance, will host a career fair and educational event for area high school and college students from 9:15 a.m- 2 p.m. today at Turnbull Conference Center, 555 W. Pensacola St. The goal of the FITC Alliance is to help North Florida students to discover and realize opportunities in computer and information technology fields. ...

Hundreds Attend Florida IT Career Alliance Fair
Monday, February 2, 2015
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - Hundreds of high school and college students turned out to the Florida IT Career (FITC) Alliance Fair Monday. It was held in the Turnbull Center and featured more than 50 employers. The goal of the FITC Alliance is to help North Florida students discover opportunities in computer and information technology fields. ...
January 2015

Meet Lauren Lewis

Thursday, January 22, 2015
Florida IT Career Alliance
Lauren Lewis is a senior at Florida State University studying Management Information Systems and Finance with minors in Computer Science and Mathematics. Her passion for exciting young people about tech-related fields is what motivated her to become an Ambassador. She believes that technology education is essential for students today because society is continually advancing and relying more heavily on technology than ever before. ...
December 2014

Arnold Students Learn About Digital World
Thursday, December 11, 2014
WJHG News Channel 7
PANAMA CITY BEACH-- Arnold High School students had a visit from ambassadors from Florida's IT Career Alliance program. The ambassadors came to teach students more about their digital footprint and web security. They also shared several tips on ways students can protect themselves on the web. ...

Hour of Code Makes its Way to Girls Inc. of Bay County
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
WJHG News Channel 7
PANAMA CITY-- Kids across the United States are working on their coding skills during Computer Science Education Week. And some kids are getting extra practice outside of the classroom. About a dozen fourth and fifth graders at Girls Inc. of Bay County spent Wednesday afternoon taking part in the Hour of Code. ...

Area High Schools Partner with Florida IT Career Alliance to Promote Technology Education
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Panama City, FL – A. Crawford Mosley, Bay and J.R. Arnold High Schools joined the Florida IT Career Alliance to promote computer science, information technology and engineering programs within their schools. The partnerships with FITC began in September and are led by Mr. James Davis, Ms. Marlene Bland and Ms. Patty Turbeville, at the schools respectively. This Alliance will expand educational opportunities for students, both inside and outside the classroom, as well as provide resources to schools to continue their STEM efforts. ...

Career Alliance Recognizes Education Partners
Monday, December 1, 2014
Pensacola Today
More opportunities for students to get involved in information technology classes, computer science and computer engineers are available. Find out about them at the Florida IT Career Alliance press conference on Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., at Pensacola State College in the Edward M. Chadbourne Library, room 2051. The Alliance will recognizing their high school and college education partners, to include Workman Middle and Pine Forest High schools, as well as Pensacola State College. ...
November 2014

FITC Alliance holds Leon County Press Conference
Monday, November 24, 2014
CCI News
Since it’s inception in May 2014, the Florida IT Career (FITC) Alliance has worked to recruit, retain and employ Florida’s upcoming technology workforce. The group has been busy hosting a career fair for 500 high school students, a college career fair, building partnerships with 30 schools and 6 community colleges, etc. In addition, the group has hired numerous student ambassadors at FSU and FAMU from Information Technology, Computer Science, and Computer Engineering to host schools at FSU as well as visit Panhandle schools. In an effort to recognize some of the schools, educators, and corporations that make FITC possible, a press conference was held last week at Amos P. Godby High School, one of the FITC school partners. ...
October 2014

WHS joins Florida IT Career Alliance
Tuesday, October 16, 2014
The Star
In an effort to continue promote technology education, Wewahitchka Jr./Sr. High School has joined the Florida IT Career Alliance to offer computer science, information technology and engineering programs within the school. ...

CCI Fall Career Fair
Tuesday, October 12, 2014
Get Involved Tally
The Florida IT Alliance, who has a partnership with the Florida State’s College of Communication & Information, hosted a fall career fair on October 7, 2014 in the Turnbull Conference Center. The center was a new choice of venue for the event, which was a change from similar events that were previously held at the FSU Alumni Center. Many people from the Alliance and the College helped set up, including a small group of students from Ebe’s leadership class. More than 500 Big Bend high school students and teachers showed up in the morning to take part in the conference and to also mingle with employers afterwards. ...

The "Friday Focus"
Tuesday, October 10, 2014
Godby High School
Godby IT has partnered with the Florida IT Career Alliance and Florida State University to help our IT students with some of their projects. Also, Coach Kilbourn is glad to have Godby Alumn Jigar Patel (pictured with Coach Kilbourn) back on campus helping our IT students. ...

FITC Alliance Award
Thursday, October 2, 2014
The Chipley Bugle
Recently, Melba Harcus, teacher at Vernon High School, was awarded a grant from the Florida IT Career (FITC) Alliance which works with high schools, colleges, and information technology employers across the panhandle of Florida. Through a partnership between Florida State University and Florida A&M University, she will work to develop IT Career Pathways that will engage the K-20 education system in recruiting, retaining and placing qualified graduates into IT and computing professions. This effort will take advantage of the comprehensive suite of IT and computer science academic programs already available and focus on IT, Computer Science and Engineering. The Alliance is funded by a State Board of Governors (BOG) Team grant.

Florida State University Career Fair
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
TALLAHASSEE, FL. (WTXL) - Florida State University's College of Communication and Information, in partnership with the Florida IT Career Alliance, will host a career fair and educational event for area high school and college students.
The goal of the FITC Alliance is to help North Florida students to discover and realize opportunities in computer and information technology fields. The alliance, a joint effort by Florida State and Florida A&M University, is funded by a $3 million grant from the Florida Board of Governors, as a part of an ambitious effort to align college degrees with the state's workforce needs.
September 2014

Media Advisory: FITC Career Fair 10/7
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Florida IT Career Alliance
Florida State University’s College of Communication and Information, in partnership with the Florida IT Career Alliance, will host a career fair and educational event for area high school and college students.

Career Fair for Florida IT Career Alliance
Tuesday, September 10, 2014
TalTech Alliance
The College of Communication & Information (CCI) at Florida State University has partnered with the State Board of Governors (as part of the Florida IT Career Alliance – to host a Career and Educational event for local high schools as well as college students. In the past few years, the Career event was exclusive to college students; the event started at noon, employers were invited to a lunch, and the Career Fair was hosted from 1-4pm where employers interacted with students (and hired them as interns and employees). This year is different!
August 2014

FITC Student Perspectives
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
CCI News
Formed in May 2014 through a $3 million grant from Florida’s Board of Governors, the FITC Alliance is a collaboration between Florida State University’s College of Communication and Information (CCI) and Department of Computer Science, the Florida A&M-FSU College of Engineering and Florida A&M University’s Department of Computer and Information Sciences.

FITC Recognized by Florida Board of Governors
Monday, August 11, 2014
CCI News
It was standing room only this morning at Challenger Learning Center. Top government officials, educators, and community leaders gathered to celebrate the roll-out of the TEAm grant.
“We’re connecting the dots so that we can provide our students with jobs,” said Marshall Criser III, State University System Chancellor, who opened the ceremony talking about the importance of Information Technology for our state. “We’re ultimately here to connect [students] with meaningful careers.”

FSU, FAMU celebrate IT partnership
Monday, August 11, 2014
Tallahassee Democrat
Florida is struggling to keep up with the demand for individuals with computer-related skills.
Larry Dennis, dean of Florida State University’s College of Communication and Information, said the state will need to fill more than 50,000 computer science and information technology positions during the next decade.

MEDIA ADVISORY: Board of Governors, FSU and FAMU celebrate $3 million grant to produce more computer and IT graduates
Monday, August 7, 2014
Florida Board of Governors
TALLAHASSEE -- Leaders from the Florida Board of Governors, Florida State University and Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University will celebrate the rollout of the Targeted Educational Attainment (TEAm) grant program, a collaborative effort to align university and college degrees with the state’s future workforce needs. Students will begin the program this fall.
June 2014

Florida IT Career Alliance
Monday, June 23, 2014
TalTech Alliance
What is the FITC Alliance?
The Florida IT Career (FITC) Alliance works with high schools, colleges, and information technology employers across the panhandle of Florida. Through a partnership between Florida State University and Florida A&M University, we are developing IT Career Pathways that will engage the K-20 education system in recruiting, retaining and placing qualified graduates into IT and computing professions (and keeping them in the Panhandle).
April 2014

FSU, FAMU get money to work together
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Tallahassee Democrat
The Board of Governors wants the state's public universities working together, and Florida A&M and Florida State quickly demonstrated that they know how to collaborate.
Armed with $15 million provided by the Legislature in 2013, BOG's academic and student affairs committee on Wednesday approved four competitive partnership grants that included one for almost $3 million to FAMU and FSU to expand information technology efforts.
March 2014

CCI shares $3 million grant from Board of Governors to fund Florida IT Careers Alliance
Friday, March 28, 2014
CCI News
Florida State University’s College of Communication & Information will share a $3 million grant to fund the proposal “Expanding North Florida’s IT Career Pathways”, Florida’s Board of Governors announced March 20.
CCI partnered with Florida State’s Department of Computer Science, the Florida A&M-FSU College of Engineering and Florida A&M University’s Department of Computer and Information Sciences to propose the development of the “Florida IT Careers Alliance” (FITC Alliance).

FSU, FAMU receive grant to expand IT education
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Information Technology and Computer Sciences degrees are two of the most desirable and sought after, especially in Florida. Students in these fields have hopeful career prospects and often end up paying less for their degrees.
The problem: There aren’t enough students and graduates of these fields.
To fix this, the state has come up with a plan, and Florida State University is among the key players.

FSU and FAMU receive state grant to fund opportunities in IT, computer science
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Florida State 24/7
As part of an ambitious effort to align college degrees with the state's workforce needs, the Florida Board of Governors has awarded $15 million in grants to four university projects, including a joint proposal by Florida State University and Florida A&M University.
The grants, funded by the Florida Legislature and approved by Gov. Rick Scott, each went to collaborative higher education projects designed to produce more students for careers in high-need areas, from accounting to information technology.
February 2014

FSU, FAMU fare well in performance funding
Friday, February 14, 2014
Tallahassee Democrat
Florida State and Florida A&M will come out ahead when performance funding rolls out later this year, based on figures released this week by the Board of Governors.
Performance-based funding, the new world order for Florida’s public universities, is designed to reward the schools that are meeting basic benchmarks and demonstrating improvement, while the universities that are performing poorly will see a reduction in funding.