Meet Rachel Roberson
By: Chelsea Thorn
Friday June 12, 2015
Rachel Roberson is a junior at Florida State University studying Chemical Engineering. As if the curriculum for engineering wasn't challenging enough, Rachel practices impressive time-management skills by being involved in a number of incredible organizations on campus. She joined the Florida IT Career Alliance this past spring and is now a highly-active member of the Student Ambassador team. In addition to FITC, Rachel is also a member of the STARS Alliance, Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Women in IT/ICT Sharing Experiences (WISE), Transfers Helping Transfers (THT), Alpha Delta Pi and Omicron Delta Kappa Collegiate Honor Society.
As a Student Ambassador, Rachel has had the opportunity to work with a number of students and schools. She has participated in several leadership conferences, assisted in career fairs, and attended technology-specific conferences. Once a month, Rachel assisted with the Florida State University Schools' Engineering Club at the FSU-FAMU College of Engineering. She also visited Godby High School every week to assist with Ms. Wendy Chan's Intro to Engineering and Principles of Engineering classes, where they worked on a Lego Mindstorm robot. She helped prepare Godby students for their first ever Mini Urban Challenge competition on April 25th at Northwest Florida State College. The most rewarding experiences for Rachel were when these students would tell her that they want to do what she does [engineering] when they go to college. Having such a one-on-one experience with high school students allowed them to connect with Rachel better and be able to ask specific questions about the field.
Rachel has just begun her summer co-op experience with The Dow Chemical Company in Marlborough, Massachusetts. At this co-op, she has the privilege of working with the site's plant engineers who collaborate on the manufacturing processes of electronic materials. This co-op has made Rachel realize that success in her field is not solely based on how much you already know, but how well you questions and think critically. Before she graduates in Spring 2018, Rachel would also like to do research work under one of her engineering professors. Ultimately, she plans to gain a career with a fast-paced, innovative company in either the polymer science, chemical manufacturing, or nanotechnology fields. To learn more about Rachel, visit her personal website, or connect with her LinkedIn or Twitter.
FITC Student Ambassadors make up a team of dedicated and knowledgeable students both at FSU and FAMU. These students travel across the Florida Panhandle to promote information technology, computer science, and computer engineering to high schools. Ambassadors are responsible for activities such as running coding camps, assisting in technology clubs, or hosting college tours. For more information on FITC Ambassadors, visit the Ambassador page.
The Florida IT Career Alliance is an initiative funded by the Florida Board of Governors which aims to recruit, retain, and employ Florida's next generation technology workforce. FITC promotes information technology, computer science, and computer engineering to local high schools and college students across Florida. Connect with FITC on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.