Meet Michael Kimball
By: Shelby Hobbs
Thursday December 3, 2015
FITC Student Ambassador Michael Kimball is an ambitious addition to our team. He is a hardworking student and a determined individual stopping at nothing to achieve his goals. Michael graduates in a number of days with a bachelor’s degree in information technology from Florida State University. He is a dedicated student in the classroom, but also passionate about helping others learn more about technology. In the fall of 2015, he helped found a student organization on campus focused on helping students develop programming skills called Codeducation. He is currently the Vice President of Codeducation. He is also a member of the FSU Chapter of the Association of Information Technology Professionals. At the beginning of 2015, Michael became a Student Ambassador to help others and grow his network.
With FITC Michael has been a great representative. He is smart and approachable, two characteristics of an ideal Student Ambassador. During the spring semester he helped table for FITC at DIGITECH and TalTech conferences. Over the summer he was also able to help teach Girl Scouts about game design and coding. Michael explained how “it’s always a good feeling to help the younger students understand something pretty complex, but they enjoy the process despite the complexity.” Overall he described the experiences as “really awesome.” Michael enjoyed his experience as a Student Ambassador and explained how it helped him develop as a student entering the workforce. “I most definitely have learned to communicate in group settings better,” he described, “and I feel more confident in my teaching abilities. Both of which are very employable traits.”
Michael is excited to start living his dream after graduation. His passion is in software development. He has a position lined up with State Farm to work as a software developer in Dallas, Texas at the beginning of next year. Our team is excited to see where he goes, but there is no doubt the future is bright for Michael. To learn more about Michael, connect with him on LinkedIn.
FITC Student Ambassadors make up a team of dedicated and knowledgeable students both at FSU and FAMU. These students travel across the Florida Panhandle to promote information technology, computer science, and computer engineering to high schools. Ambassadors are responsible for activities such as running coding camps, assisting in technology clubs, or hosting college tours. For more information on FITC Ambassadors, visit the Ambassador page.
The Florida IT Career Alliance is an initiative funded by the Florida Board of Governors which aims to recruit, retain, and employ Florida's next generation technology workforce. FITC promotes information technology, computer science, and computer engineering to local high schools and college students across Florida. Connect with FITC on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.