We have built a fantastic relationship with the CIS department, they have been very receptive to Nielsen and having us in their classes and participate in other events on campus.
Rorie Becker, Nielsen
We were very pleased this year with the recruitment and students in CIS. We are very excited that we extended 3 full time offers this year and had 2 to accept.
Jasmine Miles, Johnson&Johnson
[Our experience has been] positive. We are working on a grant that would allow us to start a collaborative effort with CIS, where we open a small help desk center on campus and offer students work study job positions to train entry level candidates for employment with our organization.
Michael Hicks, Hixardt Technologies, Inc.
By interacting directly with the CIS department we are able to get up to date student information. Interacting with the departments provides us with onsite interview rooms, which reduces the student’s interview stress by being in familiar surroundings. Interviews are easier for students to attend that may have classes on interview date.
Kim Perry, CSX Rail Applications