Meet Milton Ramer
By: Chelsea Thorn
Thursday, February 12, 2014
Milton Ramer is a senior at Florida State University studying Information Technology. After working several years in the construction industry, he decided five years ago that he would make the switch into the booming technology industry and hasn’t looked back since. Milton is an active member of the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) and Students and Technology in Academia, Research, and Service (STARS) Alliance.
In Fall of 2014, Milton joined the Florida IT Career (FITC) Alliance as a member of the Student Ambassador team so that he could share his passion for technology. The Ambassadors are the faces of the Alliance, and Milton jumps at every chance to positively influence young students in IT, computer science, and computer engineering. As an Ambassador, some of Milton’s duties include assisting in events such as the FITC Career Fair and workshops that teach students about topics like website design, computer programming, and game design. Milton also leads tours of FSU for visiting high schools, and visits these high schools’ technology clubs. The most rewarding feeling for him is when high school students express how much they enjoyed what they learned from his presentations. It brings a smile to his face every time.
Milton is set to graduate from FSU this summer and has plans to attend graduate school afterwards. After finishing his studies, his goal is to land a job as a systems analyst or a database administrator. His advice to students in the technology field? #LeadOrLeave. To learn more about Milton, connect with him on LinkedIn or follow him on Twitter.
FITC Student Ambassadors make up a team of dedicated and knowledgeable students both at FSU and FAMU. These students travel across the Florida Panhandle to promote information technology, computer science, and computer engineering to high schools. Ambassadors are responsible for activities such as running coding camps, assisting in technology clubs, or hosting college tours. For more information on FITC Ambassadors, visit the Ambassador page.
The Florida IT Career Alliance is an initiative funded by the Florida Board of Governors which aims to recruit, retain, and employ Florida's next generation technology workforce. FITC promotes information technology, computer science, and computer engineering to local high schools and college students across Florida. Connect with FITC on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.